
I’ve been working on once again shifting the underlying energy of my body. You see, when we are born, we are filled with love, wonder and amazement. Over time, we are told ‘no’ in a thousand different ways. Told not to trust this wonder, this loving guidance. We learn to yield to the authority of the parent, the teacher, the officials. Eventually, that love and wonder get replaced with other emotions – fear and insecurity.

This is a natural consequence of being told ‘no’ enough times. We start looking at ‘the other‘ for guidance and wisdom on how to think and how to act. We become afraid to show the world who we really are. Our inner light begins to fade and eventually, the emotion which colors our world is fear.


The fear comes from our ego – tasked with the responsibility of protecting us. It wants to prevent events causing you to feel small, less than, unworthy and unloved. Interestingly, by trying to prevent these feelings, it almost always creates them in the life experience. This is explained in psychology as projection. When there is an underlying fear, the ego is on the constant lookout for that fear. It is on alert. Constantly searching to make sure it doesn’t happen. But that is the funny thing about the mind, by searching for it, you create it.

I’ll give a personal example. My deepest fear has been the ‘fear of abandonment.’ It is a fear that I will not be loved by others. This is especially true with life partners. If I notice my partner being emotionally distant, the first thing I feel is fear. The reason for the fear isn’t always clear in the moment, but when I get quiet and look inward, I am able to see the fear comes a belief that I have offended them somehow, or done something wrong. Now, they are going to leave me (or so the ego likes to tell me).

This is never really the case. People have bad days, they have issues to work through, emotional shit comes up sometimes in everyone. But my fear reaction causes me to emotionally go ‘into my shell.’ I make myself less available at a time when I should be supportive. This creates a negative feedback loop, because I am not able to be the loving partner I want to be. I sabotaged many relationships with this pattern before I figured out how to become conscious of it and break it’s pattern.

How can you know if fear is running your life? It is simple. Notice your emotions. Are you in a space of joy and creation? Do you feel like you are in charge of your life? Or do you feel weighed down? Limited? At the mercy of events or others? Fear makes us think we are victims to what is happening to us. We blame others for our emotional states. We look for a lover, teacher or guru to make us feel better. Because one doesn’t know how to create that inner peace and joy from within.

So how do we shift that underlying current of emotional energy from fear into a place of love, joy, wonder and amazement again? I’ll be honest with you, it isn’t totally easy. It requires a contemplative mind. Being willing to explore how you internalized past events. Being willing to let go of other people’s ideas about who you ‘should be.’ It requires one to be courageous enough to be honest with oneself.

A great place to begin is looking at judgements you make of others and yourself. One of my favorite expressions is, “when you point a finger at another, you have three pointing back at you.” When you notice yourself making a judgement, become conscious. Notice the emotional energy behind the judgement. Ask where this emotional energy comes from. Ask how it began. Then try turning it around to see if you are guilty of the same thing you are judging another for (this requires the courage). For example, the judgement may look like this, “I’m really emotion at person because they did something that made me upset.”  For example:

  • “I’m really mad at Tom because he didn’t respect my opinion about politics.” Turn it around by putting yourself in instead – “I’m really mad at myself because I don’t respect other people’s opinions.” Really try to find ways in which that is true. This is one most people will relate to… wanting their opinion to be respected while at the same time, thinking their opinion is superior to others.  The ego will do it’s best to make you “right” and the other “wrong,” but do your best to see through that.


If there is truth in the reverse, when you put yourself at emotional cause, start looking at why you run this pattern. Where does it come from? Insecurity? Pride? Anger? Other people constantly forcing their opinions on you over the years? Find the emotional root causes for the emotional pattern. Once you find them, really feel and work through those underlying emotions and contemplate on what your inner truth really is. Being quiet and really listening to your inner voice is key in this release process.

Each time we break down and let go of these emotional constructs – illusions – we get closer to inner peace and love. The negative emotions which have been unconsciously controlling our projections begin to lose more and more power. Each negative emotion you release allows you to let in a little more love, peace and wonder. With diligence, your entire life transforms. You become the creator of your life experience.


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By | 2017-07-21T23:53:11+00:00 November 8th, 2016|The Next Evolution|0 Comments